MTIVS System
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Help >> Frequently Asked Questions
This page has answers to questions frequently sent to the MTIVS Help Desk. Please refer to the Implementation Guide for detailed reporting information.
Do we need to register each of our NAIC on the MTIVS website separately or should we just register under one NAIC?
We write commercial-only policies, will it be necessary to report BOB data to MT?
How can we correct/change the contact information for our company?
I have forgotten my User Name, how can I retrieve it?
I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?
Is the web site password totally independent of the FTP account credentials?
We represent three NAIC codes. Can we report all three companies in one Book of Business file or should we send three separate files?
How do I change my web account password?
Could you provide further clarification on the vehicle types that should be reported to MTIVS?
Q. Do we need to register each of our NAIC on the MTIVS website separately or should we just register under one NAIC?

You need to register each of your NAICs separately

Q. We write commercial-only policies, will it be necessary to report BOB data to MT?

Reporting for commercial policies is highly encouraged but it is not mandatory. If you decide not to report, please select the commercial-only option while registering and send an email to informing the Help Desk that you will not be reporting.

Q. How can we correct/change the contact information for our company?

If you have not registered yet, please enter the correct contacts for MTIVS during registration. If you have registered, log in to the website, click on Account Information, and change the contact information.

Q. I have forgotten my User Name, how can I retrieve it?

If you are an insurance company, your User Name is the same as your NAIC number.

Q. I have forgotten my password. How do I reset it?

You can reset your password by selecting the Forgot Password link located on the log in screen of the MTIVS website. After selecting this link you must provide the answer to the secret question. A temporary password will be sent to the functional contact for the account by answering the question correctly.

Q. Is the web site password totally independent of the FTP account credentials?

Yes, they are independent.

Q. We represent three NAIC codes. Can we report all three companies in one Book of Business file or should we send three separate files?

You must submit one Book of Business file per NAIC number.

Q. How do I change my web account password?

Login to the website using your username and password, Select 'Account Information' at left hand side of the page, Check the 'Do you want to update your password?' check box and follow the steps. If you have previously submitted a secret question and answer, then the answer will be needed to modify the password.

Q. Could you provide further clarification on the vehicle types that should be reported to MTIVS?

Please see the table below,

Vehicle TypeShould be reported to MTIVS?
Rugged TerrainYes
Motor HomeYes
Mobile HomeNo
Manufactured DwellingNo
Special MobileNo
Truck CamperNo
Golf CartYes

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