MTIVS Citizens
MT Dept of Justice
    State of Montana
Insurance Verification System
MT Dept of Justice
Glossary Of Terms
Begin Date Of Non Use
This is the start of the period when the vehicle will not be driven. This date should be in the past.  

Commercial Policy
A commercial policy is an insurance policy issued to insure vehicles used by a commercial entity. The insurance card for a vehicle insured by these types of policies should have fleet or commercial printed on the card.  

End date of Non use
This is the last day of the period in which the vehicle is not being used. It is assumed after this date that the vehicle is in operation again and must be insured. This date must be in the future and should not be more than 12 months in the future.  

NAIC Number
The number assigned to each insurance company by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The NAIC number uniquely identifies the insurance company and is usually denoted on the insurance card for the vehicle.  

Out of State Policy
An Out-of-State policy is a policy issued in a jurisdiction other than than the State of Montana.  

Plate Number
The number on the plate issued for your vehicle by Montana MVD. You can also find it on the registration card and registration renewal notice.  

Vehicle Number
This is the unique number assigned by MT MVD to your vehicle. You can find it on the registration card and registration renewal notice.  

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